Negocios e Inversiones
El método Lean Startup supone un nuevo enfoque que se está adoptando en todo el mundo para cambiar la forma en que las empresas crean y lanzan sus productos. Eric Ries define una startup como una organización dedicada a crear algo bajo condiciones de incertidumbre extrema. Esto se cumple tanto para aquellas personas que trabajan en el garaje de su casa como para un grupo de profesionales experimentados de una de las empresas que aparecen en el ranking de la revista Fortune. Lo que todos ellos tienen en común es la misión de traspasar la incertidumbre para encontrar el camino hacia un negocio sostenible. El enfoque que el autor nos muestra en El método Lean Startup hace que las empresas sean más eficientes en el uso del capital y que apoyen de manera más efectiva la creatividad humana. Se trata de poner en marcha diversas prácticas que acortan el ciclo de desarrollo del producto, miden el progreso real sin recurrir a los indicadores vanidosos y ayudan a entender qué es lo que realmente quieren los consumidores. Además, este método permite a la empresa cambiar de dirección con agilidad y alterar¡ los planes minuto a minuto. En lugar de despilfarrar tiempo diseñando elaborados planes de negocio, el método Lean Startup ofrece a los emprendedores de empresas grandes y pequeñas la mejor manera para poner a prueba de forma continua su visión, para adaptarla y ajustarla antes de que sea demasiado tarde.
Opiniones editoriales:Opinión:“I’d recommend John’s book for anyone interested in becoming a better manager.” —Bill Gates“Whether you're a seasoned CEO or a first-time entrepreneur, you'll find valuable lessons, tools, and inspiration in the pages of Measure What Matters. I'm glad John invested the time to share these ideas with the world.” —Reid Hoffman, cofounder of LinkedIn and author of The Start-up of You “Measure What Matters deserves to be fully embraced by every person responsible for performance, in any walk of life. John Doerr makes Andy Grove a mentor to us all. If every team, leader, and individual applied OKRs with rigor and imagination, all sectors of society could see an exponential increase in productivity and innovation.” —Jim Collins, author of Good to Great “John Doerr has taught a generation of entrepreneurs and philanthropists that execution is everything. Measure What Matters shows how any organization or team can aim high, move fast, and excel.” —Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook COO and founder of and “In this indispensable book, the most important venture capitalist of our era reveals a key to business innovation and success. This crisp and colorful book combines fascinating case studies with insightful personal stories to show how OKRs can add magic to organizations of any size.” —Walter Isaacson, author of Steve Jobs and Leonardo da Vinci “I’m a big believer in John Doerr’s simple yet effective OKR system—I’ve seen it work firsthand! I encourage every business leader to read Measure What Matters in order to learn some real and practical secrets for success.” —Anne Wojcicki, founder and CEO of 23andMe “John Doerr has been the source of management magic for many of the most iconic companies in Silicon Valley that went on to change the world. Measure What Matters is a must read for anyone motivated to improve their organization.” —Former Vice President Al Gore “Measure What Matters takes you behind the scenes for the creation of Intel’s powerful OKR system—one of Andy Grove’s finest legacies.” —Gordon Moore, cofounder of Intel “Measure What Matters will transform your approach to setting goals for yourself and your organization. John Doerr pushes every leader to think deeply about creating a focused, purpose-driven business environment.” —Mellody Hobson, president of Ariel Investments “John Doerr is a Silicon Valley legend. He explains how transparently setting objectives and defining key results can align organizations and motivate high performance.” —Jonathan Levin, dean of Stanford Graduate School of Business “Measure What Matters is a gift to every leader or entrepreneur who wants a more transparent, accountable, and effective team. It encourages the kind of big, bold bets that can transform an organization.” —John Chambers, executive chairman of Cisco “In addition to being a terrific personal history of tech in Silicon Valley, Measure What Matters is an essential handbook for both small and large organizations; the methods described will definitely drive great execution.” —Diane Greene, CEO of Google CloudSobre el autor:John Doerr is an engineer, acclaimed venture capitalist, and the chairman of Kleiner Perkins. He's passionate about encouraging leaders to reimagine the future, from transforming healthcare to advancing applications of machine learning. Outside of Kleiner Perkins, John works with social entrepreneurs for change in public education, the climate crisis, and global poverty. John serves on the board of the Obama Foundation and
Jobs retired at the end of August and died about six weeks later. Now, just weeks after his death, you can open the book that bears his name and read about his youth, his promise, and his relentless press to succeed. But the initial sadness in starting the book is soon replaced by something else, which is the intensity of the read--mirroring the intensity of Jobs’s focus and vision for his products. Few in history have transformed their time like Steve Jobs, and one could argue that he stands with the Fords, Edisons, and Gutenbergs of the world. This is a timely and complete portrait that pulls no punches and gives insight into a man whose contradictions were in many ways his greatest strength. Was it difficult for you to cut through the RDF and get beneath the narrative that he created? How did you do it? Isaacson: Andy Hertzfeld, who worked with Steve on the original Macintosh team, said that even if you were aware of his Reality Distortion Field, you still got caught up in it. But that is why Steve was so successful: He willfully bent reality so that you became convinced you could do the impossible, so you did. I never felt he was intentionally misleading me, but I did try to check every story. I did more than a hundred interviews. And he urged me not just to hear his version, but to interview as many people as possible. It was one of his many odd contradictions: He could distort reality, yet he was also brutally honest most of the time. He impressed upon me the value of honesty, rather than trying to whitewash things. Q: How were the interviews with Jobs conducted? Did you ask lots of questions, or did he just talk? Isaacson: I asked very few questions. We would take long walks or drives, or sit in his garden, and I would raise a topic and let him expound on it. Even during the more formal sessions in his living room, I would just sit quietly and listen. He loved to tell stories, and he would get very emotional, especially when talking about people in his life whom he admired or disdained. Q: He was a powerful man who could hold a grudge. Was it easy to get others to talk about Jobs willingly? Were they afraid to talk? Isaacson: Everyone was eager to talk about Steve. They all had stories to tell, and they loved to tell them. Even those who told me about his rough manner put it in the context of how inspiring he could be. Q: Jobs embraced the counterculture and Buddhism. Yet he was a billionaire businessman with his own jet. In what way did Jobs' contradictions contribute to his success? Isaacson: Steve was filled with contradictions. He was a counterculture rebel who became a billionaire. He eschewed material objects yet made objects of desire. He talked, at times, about how he wrestled with these contradictions. His counterculture background combined with his love of electronics and business was key to the products he created. They combined artistry and technology. Q: Jobs could be notoriously difficult. Did you wind up liking him in the end? Isaacson: Yes, I liked him and was inspired by him. But I knew he could be unkind and rough. These things can go together. When my book first came out, some people skimmed it quickly and cherry-picked the examples of his being rude to people. But that was only half the story. Fortunately, as people read the whole book, they saw the theme of the narrative: He could be petulant and rough, but this was driven by his passion and pursuit of perfection. He liked people to stand up to him, and he said that brutal honesty was required to be part of his team. And the teams he built became extremely loyal and inspired. Q: Do you believe he was a genius? Isaacson: He was a genius at connecting art to technology, of making leaps based on intuition and imagination. He knew how to make emotional connections with those around him and with his customers. Q: Did he have regrets? Isaacson: He had some regrets, which he expressed in his interviews. For example, he said that he did not handle well the pregnancy of his first girlfriend. But he was deeply satisfied by the creativity he ingrained at Apple and the loyalty of both his close colleagues and his family. Q: What do you think is his legacy? Isaacson: His legacy is transforming seven industries: personal computers, animated movies, music, phones, tablet computing, digital publishing, and retail stores. His legacy is creating what became the most valuable company on earth, one that stood at the intersection of the humanities and technology, and is the company most likely still to be doing that a generation from now. His legacy, as he said in his "Think Different" ad, was reminding us that the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do. Photo credit: Patrice Gilbert PhotographySobre el autor:Walter Isaacson, University Professor of History at Tulane, has been CEO of the Aspen Institute, chairman of CNN, and editor of Time magazine. He is the author of Leonardo da Vinci; The Innovators; Steve Jobs; Einstein: His Life and Universe; Benjamin Franklin: An American Life; and Kissinger: A Biography, and the coauthor of The Wise Men: Six Friends and the World They Made. Facebook: Walter Isaacson, Twitter: @WalterIsaacson
Nadie nace como líder natural. Pero, ¿qué es lo que transforma a algunas personas en el tipo de individuos magnéticos que inspiran a otros a seguir? El liderazgo no es un misterio. Es una habilidad que se puede aprender. Lleno de prácticos métodos comprobados, esta pequeña guía indispensable le ayudará a desatar el potencial de liderazgo. El experto en éxito Brian Tracy ha ayudado a miles de personas a convertirse en líderes excepcionales y ahora, en este libro conciso e intenso, revela cómo puede: Inspirar confianza, seguridad y la lealtad..
Número de paginas: : 336 páginas Editor: Portfolio; Edición: Reprint (4 de septiembre de 2018)ISBN-10: 0735213674 ISBN13: 978-0735213678 Peso: 10.2 oz.
una crisis es la ruptura de planes y el momento en que se desarticula una ruta planificada, un momento de desasosiego y desorden cuando lo previsto se trastoca y asume un rumbo que no podemos controlar. En este contexto, el consultor y analista de asuntos politicos internacionales, Julio Carballido, explica lo que es una crisis y ofrece una metodología para identificar sus componentes. A partir de un análisis estratégico de casos de exito, el autor expone como estas rupturas se agravan y adquieren un carácter dramático cuando se magnifican en los medios de comunicación. En gestión de crisis con activos en riesgo, Julio Cabardillo ha sido responsable de la defensa y rescate exitoso de más de 7.5 mil millones de dóares en activos y ha resuelto crisis para varios gobiernos en América Latina.
La Nueva Biblioteca Edward de Bono recoge los títulos del prestigioso psicólogo que Ediciones Paidós viene publicando desde la década de los años 90. Con nuevos diseños actualizados y ediciones cuidadas, la Nueva Biblioteca Edward de Bono incorpora los best sellers y las novedades editoriales. La Nueva Biblioteca Edward de Bono se inició con la publicación de: Creatividad. 62 ejercicios para desarrollar la mente, novedad editorial, y la recuperación de Seis sombreros para pensar. Seis sombreros para pensar es una guía para pensar mejor utilizada por millones de personas en todo el mundo. Un método que potencia al máximo la inteligencia, la experiencia y la información.
«Cuando las arañas tejen juntas pueden atar a un león», afirma el proverbio etíope. Y esa capacidad de colaboración y de trabajo en equipo es el secreto del éxito de empresas y organizaciones tan dispares como Pixar, los San Antonio Spurs, los SEAL de la Armada estadounidense, una escuela de un área desfavorecida o una banda de ladrones de joyas. Daniel Coyle, también autor de El pequeño libro del talento, muestra aquí cómo se gestan la confianza y el sentimiento de pertenencia.
El nuevo método de liderazgo profesional que ha revolucionado las empresas más importantes del mundoHay una máxima que afirma que, si no tenemos nada bueno que decir, es mejor quedarnos callados. Pues bien, puede que este método valga para la vida cotidiana, pero aplicado a la gestión de equipos resulta catastrófico. Kim Scott, antigua directiva de empresas como Google y Apple, propone un enfoque innovador para un liderazgo más eficaz: el método «Radical Candor» o «Franqueza radical». La idea es sencilla: podemos sacar lo mejor de nuestros equipos con un mensaje que sea claro, crítico y a la vez empático.En un mundo en constante evolución, donde el teletrabajo se está haciendo más habitual y los casos de burnout se disparan, es importante reformular los puestos de poder y buscar un modelo más satisfactorio para todos. Plagado de ejemplos pertinentes que invitan a la acción, Franqueza radical nos proporciona las claves para una gestión eficaz basada en la construcción de relaciones honestas y en la importancia de la reciprocidad y la crítica siempre que sean necesarias. El objetivo es sacar lo mejor de nuestro equipo al tiempo que creamos ambientes profesionales más sanos, comprometidos y productivos.
En el derivativo de Buenos líderes hacen grandes preguntas, el autor de éxitos de ventas número uno del New York Times, John C. Maxwell, responde a las preguntas más populares que él ha recibido para ayudar a los lectores a lograr un mayor éxito. John Maxwell, la autoridad en liderazgo número uno en Estados Unidos, ha dominado el arte de hacer preguntas, utilizándolas para aprender y crecer, conectar con la gente, retarse a sí mismo, mejorar su equipo, y desarrollar mejores ideas. En este derivativo compacto de Buenos líderes hacen grandes preguntas, él ofrece respuestas detalladas a las preguntas más populares e interesantes que las personas de todos los niveles profesionales le han planteado. No importa si usted es un líder experimentado o desea dar los primeros pasos en el liderazgo, este libro le proveerá la ayuda y el consejo aplicado, y mejorará su vida profesional.
Nos guste o no, vivimos en un mundo regido por el conflicto y la competencia feroz. Un mundo que nos exige estar siempre alertas y entrar en acción en todo momento. Si nos descuidamos, si no reaccionamos a tiempo ante los retos que nos plantea el entorno, si dejamos que los demás nos controlen y decidan por nosotros, estaremos perdidos. Esta guía rápida retoma las ideas básicas del polémico pero imprescindible libro de Robert Greene Las 48 leyes del poder, el cual ha sido leído por millones de personas en todo el mundo. No se trata solo de una reflexión sobre el poder, sino también de un instrumento práctico destinado a ser usado por aquellos que deseen abrirse camino y alcanzar el éxito. Tomando como base las ideas y el ejemplo de grandes personalidades de la historia y recurriendo a casos reales, Greene nos revela las claves que permiten alcanzar, conquistar y defender el poder.
Eduardo Palacios Lima, especialista en finanzas personales, resume en este libro el contenido de los 396 artículos que ha escrito para el diario Prensa Libre en el tema de finanzas personales y economía del hogar. Miles de personas en distintos países han logrado conseguir asombrosos resultados en sus finanzas personales al poner en práctica los principios de administración que el autor usó para capacitarlos y que ahora comparte en este libro...
La buena suerte, el mayor fenómeno editorial español de los últimos tiempos con 4.000.000 de ejemplares vendidos, ahora en formato rústica. Una nueva edición, esta vez en formato rústica, de uno de los libros más importantes del desarrollo personal, que también incorpora un nuevo capítulo desarrollado por los autores, titulado: La fórmula de la Buena Suerte.